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Michigan law requires a blank version of this form be attached to the Notice of Commencement. A subcontractor or supplier who contracts to provide an improvement to real property must provide a Notice of Furnishing to the designee and the general contractor, if any, as named in the Notice of Commencement at the address shown in the Notice of Commencement, either personally or by certified mail, within 20 days after furnishing the first labor or material.

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With US Legal Forms, you’ll always have quick access to the right downloadable template. The platform will give you access to forms and divides them into categories to simplify your search. Use US Legal Forms to get your Michigan Notice of Furnishing - Corporation or LLC easy and fast.

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Notice Furnishing Michigan FAQ

The Notice of Commencement (sometimes called a Notice of Project Commencement, a Notice of Contract, or Affidavit of Commencement) is most simply explained as a document that formally designates the beginning of a construction project.

The legal description of the real property. The basic information and address of the owner (or lessee) The name and address of the fee owner of the real property, if the person contracting for the improvement is a land contract vendee or lessee.

Notice of Furnishing is the term for preliminary notice in four states.Most parties who furnish labor and/or materials on construction projects need to send these notices in order to secure lien rights.

Name and address of owner. Name and address of original contractor. Name and address of the party who hired you. Description of the property location. Date of first furnishing services to the project. Name and address of the lien claimant.

Using a Notice of Commencement in Michigan. A Notice of Commencement is a form executed by a land owner or lessee before the start of any actual physical improvement to real property.

A Notice of Completion Is: The Notice of Completion typically comes from the property owner on a private project to notify the participants on a project specifically, the parties that have Mechanics Lien Rights that the project has been completed.

A Notice of Furnishing is a type of preliminary notice that must be provided to a property owner by a subcontractor, contractor, laborer, or supplier as a condition to obtaining a later mechanic's lien covering the full amount of labor or supplies.

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Michigan Corporation Mechanics Printable