Michigan Order Correcting Identifying Information (Child Protective Proceedings) is an order issued by the court to change the identity of a child involved in a child protection case. This order is used to ensure the anonymity of the child and to protect the child from potential harm. The order can be used to change the child’s name, gender, address, or other identifying information. The Michigan Order Correcting Identifying Information (Child Protective Proceedings) is typically issued at the request of the Department of Health & Human Services, or the court may issue the order on its own. There are two types of Michigan Order Correcting Identifying Information (Child Protective Proceedings): a redaction order and a confidential information order. A redaction order is used to redact certain information from court documents to prevent the public from obtaining identifying information about the child. A confidential information order is used to protect the identity of the child by removing the child’s name and other identifying information from public records.