The Michigan Digital Signature Ordinance, also known as Signaturverordnung or Sign, is a legal framework governing the use of digital signatures in the state of Michigan. This ordinance aims to provide a secure and legally binding method for executing electronic transactions, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of digital documents. Key aspects of the Michigan Digital Signature Ordinance: 1. Legally Binding: The ordinance recognizes digital signatures as having the same legal effect as traditional handwritten signatures. It grants digital signatures the ability to authenticate the identity of the signer and ensures the integrity of the signed document. 2. Authentication Methods: The ordinance specifies various authentication methods that can be used for digital signatures, such as asymmetric cyclosystems (e.g., public-key infrastructure) and other approved mechanisms. These methods offer a high level of security and verification for the digital signature process. 3. Certification Authorities: The Michigan Digital Signature Ordinance establishes the role of Certification Authorities (CA's) responsible for issuing digital certificates. These certificates confirm the authenticity of the digital signature and contain information about the signer's identity. CA's are required to meet specific standards and adhere to strict security measures. 4. Types of Digital Signatures: The ordinance recognizes different types of digital signatures, including standard digital signatures and advanced digital signatures. Standard digital signatures are based on cryptographic techniques whereas advanced digital signatures additionally incorporate additional security measures like time-stamping and encryption. 5. Electronic Records and Contracts: The ordinance ensures that electronic records and contracts signed with digital signatures are legally enforceable and admissible as evidence in court. It provides a clear legal framework that promotes the use of digital signatures in various sectors, including business transactions, government processes, and financial transactions. 6. Security and Data Protection: The Michigan Digital Signature Ordinance addresses the security and data protection requirements for digital signatures, ensuring that private key management, transmission, and storage are executed securely. It also emphasizes the importance of keeping digital signatures confidential to prevent unauthorized use. Overall, the Michigan Digital Signature Ordinance (Signaturverordnung/Sign) is a crucial legal framework that enables individuals, organizations, and government entities to leverage the benefits of digital signatures while ensuring the integrity and authenticity of electronic transactions.