The Michigan 2012 Wayne County Child Support Report is a document that provides an up-to-date summary of the child support obligations and collections of non-custodial parents. This report includes information on the number of cases opened and closed, the amount of child support collected, and the amount of arbitrages paid. It also includes the number of non-custodial parents who have failed to comply with their child support obligations. The report is divided into three types of reports: County Summary, County Detail, and County Detail with Arbitrages. The County Summary provides an overview of the county’s child support program, including the total number of cases opened and closed, the total amount of child support collected, and the total amount of arbitrages paid. The County Detail report breaks down the information into individual cases, providing information on the number of cases opened and closed, the amount of child support collected, and the amount of arbitrages paid. The County Detail with Arbitrages report provides a breakdown of the arbitrages by non-custodial parent, providing detailed information on the amount of arbitrages owed and paid by each non-custodial parent.