Minnesota Renewal of Trademark Service Mark Certification Mark or Collective Mark is a type of trademark registration that is maintained by the Minnesota Secretary of State. These marks are used to identify and protect the goods or services of a particular business, organization, or individual in the state of Minnesota. The marks may include words, symbols, designs, or other devices that identify the source of the goods or services. The two types of Minnesota Renewal of Trademark Service Mark Certification Mark or Collective Mark are Service Marks and Certification Marks. Service Marks are marks that are used to identify services provided by an individual or company. Certification Marks are marks that certify that a product or service meets certain standards of quality, performance, or characteristics as determined by the certifying organization. To renew a trademark or service mark, the owner must submit a renewal application, along with the appropriate fee, to the Minnesota Secretary of State. After the renewal application is processed, the mark will be renewed in the state of Minnesota. The renewal of the mark must be done every ten years to ensure that it remains valid.