The Minnesota Advisory of Participant Rights and Responsibilities (MAP RR) is a set of rules and regulations that govern the rights and responsibilities of individuals receiving services from Minnesota's public mental health system. It outlines the rights of service recipients, the responsibilities of providers, and the role of county and state-level organizations in upholding these rights. MAP RR covers topics such as consumer confidentiality, informed consent, grievance procedures, and the right to access records and services. MAP RR is divided into three distinct categories: the Minnesota Rules of Participant Rights and Responsibilities, the Minnesota Statute of Participant Rights and Responsibilities, and the Minnesota County Participant Rights and Responsibilities. The Minnesota Rules of Participant Rights and Responsibilities outlines the rights of service recipients and the responsibilities of providers, while the Minnesota Statute of Participant Rights and Responsibilities outlines the role of the state in ensuring these rights are upheld. The Minnesota County Participant Rights and Responsibilities outlines the role of county governments in upholding the rights of service recipients.