Minnesota Information about Dissolution (Divorce... What to Expect) is a comprehensive guide for couples who are considering or in the process of getting a divorce in the state of Minnesota. This guide outlines the different types of divorce available in Minnesota and the process for each. It includes information on the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of divorce. The types of Minnesota Information about Dissolution (Divorce... What to Expect) available include: 1. Uncontested Divorce: This type of divorce is the most common in Minnesota and involves both parties agreeing on the terms of the divorce. 2. Contested Divorce: This type of divorce involves one party contesting the terms of the divorce, and the process can be more complicated and time-consuming. 3. Legal Separation: This type of divorce does not end the marriage, but it allows the spouses to live separately and divide their assets. 4. annulment: This type of divorce can be granted if certain conditions are met. It is often used when a marriage is found to be invalid. In addition to information on the types of divorce, Minnesota Information about Dissolution (Divorce... What to Expect) also covers topics such as child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, division of assets and debts, mediation, and other related issues. It also provides resources to help couples reach an agreement and navigate the divorce process.