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Empower yourself today by utilizing US Legal Forms for your legal needs. Start correcting errors with confidence!
Draw line through entry (thin pen line). Make sure that the inaccurate information is still legible. Initial and date the entry. State the reason for the error (i.e. in the margin or above the note if room). Document the correct information.
What is a Correction Affidavit? An Affidavit of Correction may be used to correct inaccurate information on an official court or government record. This includes: DMV records, such as vehicle registration or title. Property records, like deeds or liens.
The doctrine of a "scrivener's error" is the legal principle that a map-drafting or typographical error in a written contract may be corrected by oral evidence if the evidence is clear, convincing, and precise.
Determine if the error is harmless or fatal to the transfer of title. Decide what instrument is best suited to the error. Draft a corrective deed, affidavit, or new deed. Obtain the original signature(s) of the Grantor(s). Re-execute the deed with proper notarization and witnessing.
Correcting a Mortgage Record Error If your mortgage record is filed, you cannot unfile it, correct it, and then resubmit it. However, you can amend the record with a corrective or newly executed deed or mortgage.
Correct common errors in a deed, such as typographical mistakes or omissions in various sections of the original deed, by using a corrective deed, which must be signed by the grantor and witnesses and re-acknowledged.
Re-recording of the original document. With corrections made in the body of the original document. A cover sheet detailing the changes. Must be re-signed and re-acknowledged. Correction Deed. A new deed reflecting the corrections/changes. Must meet all recording requirements of a deed.
First, if the scrivener's error is apparent on the face of the policy, a court may correct that error by applying the general rules of contract interpretation. Second, if a scrivener's error is not apparent on the face of the policy, a court may reform the contract to correct the error if the error is a mutual mistake.