Missouri Conduct SUS Searches Incapacitation y orientation sober la discrimination (Missouri Know Your Rights Discrimination Training and Orientation) is a program offered by Missouri's Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to educate Missourians about their rights and responsibilities when it comes to discrimination in the workplace. The program includes a series of workshops and trainings designed to help employers, employees, and job seekers understand their rights and responsibilities under the state's anti-discrimination laws. The program also provides information on how to file complaints and how to seek remedies for discrimination in the workplace. The program has two main components: 1) Discrimination Awareness Training and 2) Discrimination Prevention Training. The Discrimination Awareness Training focuses on educating employers and job seekers about state and federal anti-discrimination laws, providing an overview of the types of discrimination and harassment prohibited by law, and understanding what constitutes a hostile work environment. The Discrimination Prevention Training provides employers and job seekers with tools and resources to help prevent and address discriminatory practices in the workplace. In addition to the two main components, Missouri Conduct SUS Searches Incapacitation y orientation sober la discrimination also offers a variety of other services such as an online resource center, a referral network, a free legal hotline, and access to a discrimination complaint form. The program also provides information on filing a complaint with the Missouri Human Rights Commission.