Missouri Self-Insuring Workers' Compensation Liability Through Trusts is a program that allows employers to assume the financial responsibility for the costs associated with workplace accidents and illnesses. This program is designed to provide employers with an alternative to traditional workers' compensation insurance and allows them to manage the costs and risks associated with providing benefits to their employees. It requires employers to meet certain criteria and then to deposit funds into a trust account to be used to pay for any claims that may arise. There are two types of Missouri Self-Insuring Workers' Compensation Liability Through Trusts: the Voluntary Trust and the Assigned Trust. The Voluntary Trust allows employers to voluntarily take on the financial responsibility for workers' compensation benefits. This requires employers to deposit funds into a trust account that will be used to pay for any claims that may arise. The Assigned Trust is a program that allows employers to assign the financial responsibility for workers' compensation benefits to a third party. This third-party will then manage the trust account and pay for any claims that may arise. Both of these programs are designed to provide employers with an alternative to traditional workers' compensation insurance and to help manage the costs and risks associated with providing benefits to their employees.