Missouri Procedures For Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Professionals (Standing Order 2) is a set of rules and regulations established by the Supreme Court of Missouri, which specifies the procedures for reimbursement and compensation of professionals providing services for civil cases in the courts of Missouri. The Standing Order defines the payment process of attorneys, court reporters, expert witnesses, interpreters, guardians ad item, and other professionals providing services in civil cases in the state of Missouri. It includes guidelines for determining the amount of payment for services, the form of payment, and the payment timeline. The Standing Order also stipulates that parties are responsible for paying all costs and expenses of the professional services, regardless of whether the services are rendered during the interim or final stages of the case. The Standing Order 2 is divided into two parts: Part A — Interim Compensation and Reimbursement, and Part B — Final Compensation and Reimbursement.