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At age 16 ½, you are eligible for a full unrestricted license if you have held an intermediate permit for at least 6 months. You must show proof that you are in school by presenting a Certification of School Attendance form obtained from the school you are attending and you must pass a driving skills test.
When you turn 14, you may apply for a 14-year-old learner's permit, but it is only good in a driver's education vehicle with a driver's education instructor. For the 14-year-old learner's permit you must be able to provide proof of being enrolled in a driver's education program from the school that you are attending.
If you have been arrested for driving under the influence in Mississippi and lost your license, you may be eligible for a hardship license. A hardship license grants you the special privilege of driving under pressing circumstances, such as to work, school or medical treatment.
You can get your first regular driver's license at the age of 16.5 if you have held your intermediate license for at least 6 months. If you have never held a license or permit, you may get your regular license at the age of 17 without applying for a learner's permit.
You can get your first regular driver's license at the age of 16.5 if you have held your intermediate license for at least 6 months. If you have never held a license or permit, you may get your regular license at the age of 17 without applying for a learner's permit.
At age 15, individuals are eligible for a learner's permit. Permit holders may only drive during the day (after 3 months individuals may drive until 10 p.m.) with a licensed driver 21 years or older. Permit holders must also accumulate at least 50 hours (10 at night) of parental/guardian certified driving.
The applicant must be at least fifteen (15) years old. 2. The applicant must first obtain an application for Mississippi Driver License (Form DL- 4).Applicants less than seventeen (17) years of age must have this form signed in the proper place by both parents and their signature must be notarized.
The applicant must be at least fifteen (15) years old. 2. The applicant must first obtain an application for Mississippi Driver License (Form DL- 4).
At age 16 ½, you are eligible for a full unrestricted license if you have held an intermediate permit for at least 6 months. You must show proof that you are in school by presenting a Certification of School Attendance form obtained from the school you are attending and you must pass a driving skills test.