Sheriffs Return

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Description Ms Summons Mississippi

This document is a summons issued by the court for a civil action in County, Mississippi. It serves as a notice to the defendant regarding the attached complaint and outlines the necessary actions that must be taken in response to the complaint. The document specifies that the defendant has thirty days to file a response to avoid a default judgment. It includes sections for the clerk's signature, a seal, and details about delivery of the summons to the defendant by the sheriff.
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Summons Return Form FAQ

Provide the name of the court at the top of the Answer. You can find the information on the summons. List the name of the plaintiff on the left side. Write the case number on the right side of the Answer. Address the Judge and discuss your side of the case. Ask the judge to dismiss the case.

It means the process server was not able to serve you (NS=not served). It is possible they will try again.

A summons is a paper issued by a court informing a person that a complaint has been filed against her.After service to the defendants, the original summons, along with the "return of service" proving the summons and complaint were served, is filed with the court to show that each defendant was served.

Read the summons and make sure you know the date you must answer by. Read the complaint carefully. Write your answer. Sign and date the answer. Make copies for the plaintiff and yourself. Mail a copy to the plaintiff. File your answer with the court by the date on the summons.

After service to the defendants, the original summons, along with the "return of service" proving the summons and complaint were served, is filed with the court to show that each defendant was served.

1 : legally required to be returned, delivered, or argued at a specified time or place a writ returnable on the date indicated.

Contact the clerk's office of the court where the lawsuit was filed. You'll find a phone number and address for the clerk's office on your summons. The clerk will be able to tell you exactly what documents you should file with your answer and whether any filing fee is required.

1 attorney answer It does not need to be notarized, but a copy must be mailed to every other party, in addition to being filed with the court. Be sure to put your name, address, and phone number on it.

Legal Definition of non est inventus : the return of a sheriff on a writ or process when the defendant or person to be served or arrested is not found in the jurisdiction.

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Sheriffs Return