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Mississippi doesn't have a form for do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce papers, but the court clerk's office in your county may have a form or information about what to include. You can also prepare DIY divorce papers online.
In Mississippi, if your spouse lives in the state, you have to file the complaint in either your spouse's county, or the county where you lived when you and your spouse separated. If your spouse lives out of state, you must file in the county where you currently live.
To file for divorce in Mississippi, you must be a resident of the state for at least six months. An irreconcilable differences divorce requires a 60-day waiting period, assuming the spouses resolve all issues within that time and the court has approved the property settlement agreement.
Spouses trying to get a divorce on no-fault grounds need to agree to divorce on the basis of irreconcilable differences. In Mississippi, if one of the spouses refuses to divorce on that basis, the spouse seeking a divorce must prove one of the fault grounds.