Title: Understanding the Mississippi Summary of Rights and Obligations under COBRA Introduction: The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a federal law that enables employees and their eligible dependents to continue receiving health insurance coverage when they would otherwise lose it due to specific events. In Mississippi, the COBRA provisions apply to employers with 20 or more employees. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Mississippi Summary of Rights and Obligations under COBRA, highlighting its key aspects and the various types available. 1. Mississippi COBRA: An Overview Mississippi COBRA provides continuation coverage for qualified individuals who experience certain qualifying events resulting in a loss of group health insurance coverage. It ensures that individuals can maintain coverage for a specific period, protecting them from sudden gaps in healthcare coverage. 2. Eligibility for Mississippi COBRA Continuation Coverage To be eligible for Mississippi COBRA, individuals must have been covered under a group health plan and experience a qualifying event that causes them to lose coverage. Qualifying events may include termination of employment, reduction in work hours, divorce or legal separation, and dependent child ceasing to be eligible for coverage. 3. Duration of Mississippi COBRA Coverage Under Mississippi COBRA, qualified individuals may be entitled to continue coverage for up to 18 months for most qualifying events. However, certain events such as disability or the death of the employee can extend the coverage period to 29 months. 4. Mississippi COBRA Coverage Costs While continuing coverage through Mississippi COBRA, beneficiaries are responsible for paying the full premium for their health insurance coverage. However, this premium may not exceed 102% of the group rate for similarly situated individuals who are still covered under the plan as employees. 5. Notification Requirements for Employers in Mississippi are obligated to provide a Mississippi Summary of Rights and Obligations under COBRA to employees and their eligible dependents. This document outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the qualified individuals, including instructions on how to pursue and maintain continuation coverage. 6. Special Rules for Mississippi Mini-COBRA In addition to federal COBRA, Mississippi has established its own continuation coverage law known as "mini-COBRA." Mini-COBRA applies to employers with 2 to 19 employees, providing similar benefits and requirements as the federal COBRA. It is important for individuals to understand whether they fall under federal COBRA or Mississippi mini-COBRA, based on their employer's size. Conclusion: Understanding the Mississippi Summary of Rights and Obligations under COBRA is crucial for individuals who are facing a loss of group health insurance coverage. By providing continuation coverage options, this legislation offers a safety net for employees and their eligible dependents during challenging times. Employers in Mississippi must comply with COBRA regulations to ensure that qualified individuals receive the required information and support for continuing their health insurance coverage seamlessly.