The Mississippi Ordinance Regulating the Business of Massage and Massage Parlors establishes guidelines and regulations for the operation of massage businesses and parlors within the state. This ordinance aims to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of customers and practitioners, as well as prevent illegal activities, such as human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Under the Mississippi ordinance, individuals or establishments offering massage services must obtain a license. They must meet specific requirements, including certification from a recognized massage therapy school, completing a certain number of training hours, and passing a licensing exam. The ordinance also specifies that all massage practitioners must adhere to a professional code of conduct, maintaining appropriate boundaries and treating clients with respect and dignity. Any unethical or misconduct behavior is strictly prohibited. To ensure the cleanliness and sanitary conditions of massage establishments, the ordinance mandates regular inspections by health officials. This includes checking for proper sanitation of massage tables, changing of sheets after each client, and the availability of clean towels and disposable items. Furthermore, the ordinance addresses the issue of advertisement and signage for massage businesses. It stipulates that all advertisements must accurately represent the services offered and must not contain any explicit or misleading information. Mississippi also has specific ordinances related to massage parlors, which are establishments that frequently facilitate illegal activities under the guise of offering legitimate massage services. These ordinances are designed to protect communities from the negative effects of such establishments. The specific ordinances regulating massage parlors may include zoning regulations that restrict the location of such establishments, ensuring they are not in proximity to schools, residential areas, or places of worship. The ordinances may also impose additional licensing requirements and more frequent inspections for massage parlors compared to regular massage businesses. In conclusion, the Mississippi Ordinance Regulating the Business of Massage and Massage Parlors establishes comprehensive regulations to promote the professional and safe provision of massage therapy services. These regulations aim to safeguard the well-being of practitioners, customers, and the wider community, while also preventing illegal activities commonly associated with certain massage parlors.