This form contains the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 which is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software and to make sure the software is free for all its users.
Montana GNU General Public License Version 2 June 1991, commonly referred to as the Montana GPL v2, is a free software license that grants users the freedom to use, modify, distribute, and distribute modified versions of software. It was developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and is one of the most widely used open-source licenses. The Montana GPL v2 ensures that software released under this license remains free and open-source, allowing users to understand and study the code, share it with others, and contribute improvements or modifications back to the community. This license is often adopted by developers, organizations, and communities who value the principles of freedom, transparency, and collaboration. Under the Montana GPL v2, users are required to make the source code of any modified or derivative version of the software available to others. This provision ensures that any modifications or enhancements made to the software remain accessible to the community, encouraging collaboration and the continued improvement of the software. Additionally, the Montana GPL v2 includes copyright and liability disclaimers, protecting both developers and users. It allows developers to distribute their software with confidence, knowing that they are not held liable for any issues that may arise from its use. While there are no different types of Montana GPL v2, there are other versions of the GNU General Public License, such as GNU GPL v3, which is a later version with additional provisions and improvements. Each version of the GPL offers different terms and conditions, allowing developers to choose the license that aligns best with their goals and requirements. Overall, the Montana GNU General Public License Version 2 June 1991 is a powerful tool for promoting free software and fostering collaboration within the open-source community. By embracing this license, developers and organizations contribute to the growth and accessibility of software, empowering users and encouraging innovation.Montana GNU General Public License Version 2 June 1991, commonly referred to as the Montana GPL v2, is a free software license that grants users the freedom to use, modify, distribute, and distribute modified versions of software. It was developed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and is one of the most widely used open-source licenses. The Montana GPL v2 ensures that software released under this license remains free and open-source, allowing users to understand and study the code, share it with others, and contribute improvements or modifications back to the community. This license is often adopted by developers, organizations, and communities who value the principles of freedom, transparency, and collaboration. Under the Montana GPL v2, users are required to make the source code of any modified or derivative version of the software available to others. This provision ensures that any modifications or enhancements made to the software remain accessible to the community, encouraging collaboration and the continued improvement of the software. Additionally, the Montana GPL v2 includes copyright and liability disclaimers, protecting both developers and users. It allows developers to distribute their software with confidence, knowing that they are not held liable for any issues that may arise from its use. While there are no different types of Montana GPL v2, there are other versions of the GNU General Public License, such as GNU GPL v3, which is a later version with additional provisions and improvements. Each version of the GPL offers different terms and conditions, allowing developers to choose the license that aligns best with their goals and requirements. Overall, the Montana GNU General Public License Version 2 June 1991 is a powerful tool for promoting free software and fostering collaboration within the open-source community. By embracing this license, developers and organizations contribute to the growth and accessibility of software, empowering users and encouraging innovation.