North Carolina Chapter 11 Fee Application Guidelines --Revised:02/2013) provide a framework for the submission of fee applications in a Chapter 11 case. The guidelines cover the filing requirements for both professional and administrative fee applications. These guidelines apply to all cases in the Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina and the Bankruptcy Court for the District of North Carolina. The guidelines provide instructions on how to file a fee application, the information to include in the application, the supporting documentation that must be provided, and the payment schedule. There are two types of fee applications: professional fee applications and administrative fee applications. Professional fee applications must include the name of the professional, a description of services performed, the hourly rate charged, the date services were performed, the amount of fees requested, and a signature of the professional. Additionally, any professional fee application must include a copy of the professional’s engagement letter and the professional’s CV. Administrative fee applications must include the name of the administrative service provider, the description of services performed, the hourly rate charged, the date services were performed, the amount of fees requested, and a signature of the administrative service provider. Additionally, any administrative fee application must include a copy of the administrative services contract and a detailed invoice for the services rendered. The North Carolina Chapter 11 Fee Application Guidelines --Revised:02/2013) also provide instructions regarding the payment of fees. All fees must be paid in accordance with the Bankruptcy Court’s local rules, and all fees must be paid within 90 days of the approval of the fee application.