The North Carolina Digital Signature Ordinance, also known as Signaturverordnung or Sign, is a legislative framework that governs the use and acceptance of digital signatures within the state of North Carolina. This ordinance seeks to provide legal recognition and validity to electronic signatures, ensuring the security and authenticity of digital transactions. The Signaturverordnung Sign outlines the regulations and requirements for creating, verifying, and using digital signatures in North Carolina. It establishes the legal framework for the use of digital signatures and defines the responsibilities of both signatories and certification authorities involved in the process. Under this ordinance, digital signatures are given the same legal status as traditional handwritten signatures. They are considered to be legally binding and enforceable in courts, government agencies, and various business transactions. This recognition allows individuals and organizations to securely conduct electronic transactions and sign legally binding documents without the need for physical presence or paper-based authentication. There are different types of digital signatures recognized under the North Carolina Digital Signature Ordinance — Signaturverordnun— - SigV: 1. Simple Electronic Signatures: These are basic digital signatures that use cryptographic methods to authenticate the identity of the signer and ensure the integrity of the document. Simple electronic signatures are appropriate for low-risk transactions and don't require advanced security measures. 2. Advanced Electronic Signatures: Advanced electronic signatures provide a higher level of security and are suitable for more complex or sensitive transactions. These signatures use advanced cryptographic techniques and comply with specific technical standards outlined in the Sign ordinance, ensuring a higher level of authenticity and non-repudiation. 3. Qualified Electronic Signatures: Qualified electronic signatures are the highest level of digital signatures recognized under the Sign. These signatures are created using qualified digital certificates issued by accredited certification authorities. Qualified electronic signatures comply with strict technical requirements and provide the highest level of security and legal admissibility. The North Carolina Digital Signature Ordinance — Signaturverordnun— - SigV aims to foster digital transformation and streamline business processes by enabling secure and efficient electronic transactions. By embracing digital signatures, individuals and organizations can enhance productivity, reduce paperwork, and ensure the integrity of their electronic documents.