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Under the Florida Construction Lien Law, an owner or an owner's agent (subject to some exemptions) is required, prior to commencing construction or recommencing completion of a project, to record a notice of commencement in the public records of the project's location. See Section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes.
Discharge or release of lien. In Nebraska, liens can be discharged at any time by the contractor who asserted the lien by filing a release with the Register of Deeds.
Is a Notice of Commencement required In Georgia? Yes. Georgia requires that property owners or the owner's agent or the general contractor records a notice of commencement on all construction jobs in the state.
NOC stands for Notice of Construction.
Negotiate with the contractor who placed the lien (the "lienor" to remove it. Obtain a lien bond to discharge the lien, or. File a lawsuit to vacate the lien.
Florida. Georgia. Iowa. Louisiana. Nebraska. Ohio. Michigan. South Carolina.
For subcontractors and suppliers in Florida, a Notice of Commencement affects their lien priority. If a NOC is filed, any mechanics liens will relate back to that date for the purpose of determining priority.
The owner or lessee contracting for the improvements must record a Notice of Commencement in the office of the register of deeds for each county in which the real property to be improved is located. M.C.L. 570.1108(1).