Nebraska Request To Open Adoption Records is a process to obtain non-identifying information and identifying information from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services from an adoption that took place in the state. The request can be made by an adopted person, a birth parent, or a legal representative. There are two types of Nebraska Request To Open Adoption Records: the Non-Identifying Information Request and the Identifying Information Request. The Non-Identifying Information Request allows an adopted or birth parent to access non-identifying information in the adoption records such as the adoptedbirthdatete, the birth parent’s physical description, and the general circumstances of the adoption. The Identifying Information Request requires the adopted or birth parent to submit a notarized form to the Department of Health and Human Services, which will then be reviewed for approval. If approved, the Department of Health and Human Services will provide identifying information to the adopted or birth parent, such as the identity of the other birth parent or the whereabouts of the adopted’s biological family.