The New Hampshire Neutral Case Evaluation Participation Agreement is a document used by attorneys in the state of New Hampshire to engage in a process of neutral case evaluation. It is designed to foster an amicable resolution to disputes through a voluntary and confidential process. The Agreement outlines the parties’ rights and responsibilities in the process and sets forth the terms and conditions of the evaluation. The Agreement may be used for any type of dispute, including but not limited to civil, family, probate, and small claims cases. There are three types of participation agreement: the Participant Agreement, the Neutral Case Evaluation Participation Agreement, and the Neutral Settlement Conference Participation Agreement. The Participant Agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party in the process. The Neutral Case Evaluation Participation Agreement outlines the procedures for the evaluation and provides the parties with a structure to resolve their dispute. The Neutral Settlement Conference Participation Agreement outlines the procedures for the settlement conference and provides the parties with a structure to reach an agreement.