The New Hampshire General Purpose Rider (NH GPR) is a legal document used in the state of New Hampshire to facilitate the transfer of real estate in a real estate transaction. The NH GPR allows for the transfer of title to a property from one party to another without the need for additional paperwork or court proceedings. The NH GPR is typically used in situations where the seller and buyer have already negotiated the terms of the sale and are ready to transfer the title. The NH GPR contains information such as the identity of the seller and buyer of the property, the legal description of the property, the purchase price of the property, the closing date of the sale, and any additional conditions or stipulations that may apply. The NH GPR must be signed by all parties involved in the transaction and notarized before it can be executed. There are several types of GPRS available for different types of real estate transactions. These include: Contingent Sale NH GPR, Executory Contract NH GPR, Foreclosure NH GPR, and Quitclaim Deed NH GPR.