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When a bite is reported, animal control can verify the dog is up to date on vaccinations, including rabies. Animal control will open a file on the incident which will include anything they find out during an investigation, especially if the bite required medical attention.
In California, a dog that bites someone is not required to be put down. Additionally, the owners of the dog are held liable for your injury not the dog itself. Keep reading to find out what actually happens to a dog after it bites you.
California dog bite law imposes strict liability on owners. This means the owner of a dog that bites someone faces liability in a civil lawsuit for the victim's injuries even if the animal has never bitten before and the owner had no reason to believe the animal was dangerous.
The total amount you can sue for a dog bite can vary from case-to-case. The average amount that is paid to victims of dog bites is around $39,000. This can be higher or lower depending on the amount of physical harm, medical bills, and property was damaged from the bite.
Every physician shall, within twelve 12 hours after his the physician's first professional attendance upon any person bitten by a dog, cat or other animal, report to the local board or person designated by law or by the local board , under authority of law, to receive reports of reportable communicable diseases
New Jersey's Dog Bite Statute N.J.S.A. Like many states in the country, New Jersey's dog bite statute (New Jersey Statute -16) provides that if a dog bites someone, the owner is liable. Someone who has been bitten by a dog is able to sue the owner in civil court for damages.
Like many states in the country, New Jersey's dog bite statute (New Jersey Statute -16) provides that if a dog bites someone, the owner is liable. Someone who has been bitten by a dog is able to sue the owner in civil court for damages.
Once you have received medical care and you're home, then it's time to make a few more calls. First, call your local animal control and report the bite. In many states, including California, New York, and North Carolina, any dog bite must be reported if any medical care (emergency or otherwise) is needed.