New Jersey Bi-Annual Reporting Form Part 1 is a form used by businesses and organizations operating in the state of New Jersey to report their business activities. It is required by law for businesses and organizations to file this form every six months with the State of New Jersey. The form is divided into two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 of the New Jersey Bi-Annual Reporting Form is a summary of the business activities that took place during the previous six months. It requires information such as the business's name, address, type of entity, and contact information. It also requires a list of the business's assets, liabilities, and financial statements. Finally, Part 1 requires the business to provide a brief description of any new activities that have taken place over the last six months. The different types of New Jersey Bi-Annual Reporting Form Part 1 are for: Sole Proprietorship; Partnerships; Corporations; and Non-Profit Organizations.