• US Legal Forms

Optional Statutory Blank

New Mexico
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Description Optional Statutory

This form allows you to give instructions about your own health care, to name someone else to make health-care decisions for you and to designate a physician to have primary responsibility for your health care. An adult or emancipated minor has the right to make his or her own health-care decisions and to provide instructions regarding the same either orally or in writing through this form. An adult or emancipated minor may execute a power of attorney for health care, which may authorize an agent to make any health-care decision the principal could have made while having capacity. The power must be in writing and signed by the principal and remains in effect notwithstanding the principal's later incapacity under the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act. The power of attorney may include individual instructions.

How to fill out Directive Living Will?

US Legal Forms is a special platform where you can find any legal or tax document for filling out, including New Mexico Health Care Directive with Optional Health Care Directive Statutory including Living Will provisions. If you’re tired of wasting time searching for ideal samples and spending money on record preparation/lawyer charges, then US Legal Forms is precisely what you’re seeking.

To experience all of the service’s advantages, you don't need to install any application but just select a subscription plan and sign up an account. If you have one, just log in and look for an appropriate template, download it, and fill it out. Downloaded files are stored in the My Forms folder.

If you don't have a subscription but need to have New Mexico Health Care Directive with Optional Health Care Directive Statutory including Living Will provisions, have a look at the instructions below:

  1. Double-check that the form you’re looking at applies in the state you need it in.
  2. Preview the example and read its description.
  3. Simply click Buy Now to access the sign up webpage.
  4. Choose a pricing plan and proceed signing up by entering some info.
  5. Pick a payment method to complete the registration.
  6. Save the file by selecting your preferred format (.docx or .pdf)

Now, fill out the file online or print it. If you feel unsure concerning your New Mexico Health Care Directive with Optional Health Care Directive Statutory including Living Will provisions sample, speak to a attorney to review it before you send out or file it. Begin hassle-free!

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Power of Attorney and Living Will / Health Care Directive

Take advantage of personalized templates with US Legal Forms. Complete a simple survey to describe your case and get the appropriate Power of Attorney for your state and situation.

Health Care Directive Statutory Trusted and secure by over 3 million people of the world’s leading companies

Optional Statutory Blank