The Nevada Guidelines For Preparation of The Joint Case Conference Report provide guidance for the preparation of reports that summarize the outcomes of joint case conferences. These reports are used to inform the court of the results of the conference and to provide recommendations for the court’s consideration in making a decision. The Nevada guidelines outline the contents of the report, the format of the report, and the timeframe for completion. The Nevada Guidelines For Preparation of The Joint Case Conference Report includes three types of reports: 1. The Joint Case Conference Summary Report is a brief overview of the conference and its results. It includes the names of all participants, the issues discussed, and the decisions or recommendations reached. 2. The Joint Case Conference Final Report is a more detailed report of the conference, including a summary of the discussions, a description of the parties’ positions and arguments, and a record of the decisions and recommendations. 3. The Joint Case Conference Recommendation Report is an in-depth report that provides the court with a comprehensive assessment of the issues discussed and the proposed solutions. It should include an analysis of the parties’ positions, a summary of the arguments presented, and a record of the recommended courses of action. In addition to these reports, the Nevada Guidelines For Preparation of The Joint Case Conference Report sets out a timeline for completion of the report, which should be provided to the court at least five days before the court hearing. The report should be signed by all participants in the conference.