The Nevada Sole ProprietorRegistration — Application or Renewal(NRS 76)State Business License application form for a SOLE PROPRIETOR ONLY is the application form used by individuals who wish to register their sole proprietorship in the state of Nevada. This form allows individuals to register their sole proprietorship in the state of Nevada and is the first step in the process of obtaining a business license. The form requires applicants to provide personal information such as their name, address, phone number, and Social Security Number as well as information regarding the business, including the name, type of business, and the type of services provided. There are two types of the Nevada Sole ProprietorRegistration — Application or Renewal(NRS 76)State Business License application form for a SOLE PROPRIETOR ONLY: the Initial Application form and the Renewal Application form. The Initial Application form is for businesses that are new to Nevada and wish to register their sole proprietorship in the state. This form requires applicants to provide information about the business, its address, type of business, and the type of services provided. The Renewal Application form is for businesses that have already registered their sole proprietorship in Nevada. This form requires applicants to provide information about the business, its address, type of business, and the type of services provided, as well as any changes that have occurred since the initial registration.