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Don't wait any longer—start your journey to obtaining your will today with US Legal Forms!
The most likely person to hold the document is the Executor selected in the Will. For example, a client names her adult daughter as the Executor of her Will. The client gives her adult daughter the original Will and tells her that she will need to bring this to the probate court upon her death.
If a solicitor, lawyer or other professional has drafted the will, then it will normally be held with them. Executors of the will are entitled to obtain a copy of the will from the aolicitor. It's also possible that a bank may be storing the will.
Only the executors appointed in a will are entitled to see the will before probate is granted. If you are not an executor, the solicitors of the person who has died or the person's bank, if it has the will, cannot allow you to see it or send you a copy of it, unless the executors agree.
For an estate to be administered in accordance with the terms of the final Will of the deceased, the original Will is sent to the Probate Registry who will then issue a Grant of Probate to the executors.In all these cases you can apply to Probate to prove a Copy Will.
All beneficiaries named in a will are entitled to receive a copy of it so they can understand what they'll be receiving from the estate and when they'll be receiving it. 4feff If any beneficiary is a minor, his natural or legal guardian should be given a copy of the will on his behalf.
Only the executors appointed in a will are entitled to see the will before probate is granted. If you are not an executor, the solicitors of the person who has died or the person's bank, if it has the will, cannot allow you to see it or send you a copy of it, unless the executors agree.
How Can I See The Will Of A Deceased Loved One in California? Easy, just go to the court in the California County in which your loved one lived at the time of their death and ask for a copy because every Will is required by law to be lodge with the court after death.
If the most current will has been destroyed or can't be found, it may fall back to a previous version of the Will, provided that it was not revoked. In many cases, the old versions of the Will are destroyed when the new one is written to avoid the potential of an old Will that no is longer accurate being used.
As an heir, you are entitled to a copy of the Will, whether you are named as a beneficiary or not. If there is a probate estate, then you should receive a copy of the Will. If you do not, you can always get it from the court. If there is no probate estate, then the Will is not going to do anything.