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Under California law, a lease does have to be in writing to be enforceable, but only when the lease is for a period of more than a year.
If a tenant breaches a tenancy agreement it is possible that their landlord will try and evict them from the property. The sort of breaches of tenancy which result in a landlord seeking a court order for possession include:Damage to the property (eg broken windows)
If a tenant fails to pay rent, breaks a rule, or significantly damages the property, then it is considered breach of contract and you have grounds for eviction. If there are people living in the unit that are not on the lease, then that is also breach of contract and you have grounds to evict them.
Your name, and the landlord's name and address. The date you're writing the letter. Informing the landlord you're breaking your lease early. The reason why you're breaking your lease. The building and apartment you're vacating. The date by which you're vacating.
A lease is automatically void when it is against the law, such as a lease for an illegal purpose. In other circumstances, like fraud or duress, a lease can be declared void at the request of one party but not the other.
The rental property address, including unit number (if applicable) The names of all tenants on the lease agreement. The date the lease violation notice was written. The specific reason for the notice. The time and date the violation occurred (if applicable)
In many cases, the lease may give the tenant the option to pay an early termination fee. If this is the case, tenants can expect to pay one to two months' rent in order to exit the lease agreement.
If a resident fails to abide by the agreed-upon terms, legal action can be taken. If an eviction is the end-result of this action, it will stay listed on the resident's record for up to seven years. The most common reason evictions are requested involves failure to pay rent.
The date that the tenant warning letter was written. The name and the basic personal information of the tenant. The name of the landlord or the owner of the property. The reason why a tenant warning letter has been written.