A New York Office Lease is a contract between a tenant and a landlord that outlines the terms of renting office space in New York City. The lease agreement typically includes details such as the length of the lease, rent payment terms, maintenance responsibilities, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. There are several types of New York Office Leases, including Triple Net Leases, Gross Leases, Modified Gross Leases, and Percentage Leases. A Triple Net Lease is a common type of lease that requires a tenant to pay for all operating expenses, such as property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. A Gross Lease requires the tenant to pay a fixed amount for rent and the landlord is responsible for all operating expenses. A Modified Gross Lease is a variation of a Gross Lease that requires the tenant to pay a portion of the operating expenses. A Percentage Lease requires the tenant to pay a base rent plus a percentage of the tenant’s gross income.