New York Read more about Small Claims is a type of civil legal action brought forth in New York State to settle disputes between two parties. These claims are typically for monetary amounts up to $5,000 and are handled in the New York City Civil Court or a county court outside of New York City. The process begins with filing a claim with the court where the respondent resides. The respondent then has 20 days to respond to the claim. Once a response is filed, the court will set a hearing date. The types of small claims that may be brought to New York courts include breach of contract, personal injury, property damage, and consumer fraud. In addition, landlords may bring claims against tenants for rent or damage to property. The New York State Unified Court System also offers an online small claims calculator to help you determine the amount of money that may be awarded. At the hearing, both parties will present their cases and the court will render a decision. The court may award damages to the plaintiff, order the defendant to pay the plaintiff’s costs, or both. The decision of the court is final and binding.