The New York Certificate of Relief is a form of “collateral relief” that can help to restore an individual’s civil rights. It is issued by the court and grants relief from the disabilities and penalties that are imposed by a criminal conviction. The Certificate does not erase or expunge the conviction itself, but it can help to mitigate some collateral consequences of the conviction. There are three types of New York Certificate of Relief: Certificate of Relief from Disabilities, Certificate of Good Conduct, and Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities. The Certificate of Relief from Disabilities relieves a person from certain civil disabilities that are imposed by state law due to a criminal conviction. The Certificate of Good Conduct helps to mitigate the consequences of a criminal conviction by providing a presumption of rehabilitation and restores some rights that are usually denied due to a criminal record. The Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities is similar to the Certificate of Relief from Disabilities, but it provides relief from civil disabilities imposed by federal laws.