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To live a comfortable and satisfying lifestyle in New York, even when you have roommates splitting the cost, a yearly income of $50,000 or more is ideal.
The cheapest submarket in Brooklyn is currently East New York with an average rent of $1,123, the most affordable out of the five boroughs' cheapest submarkets.
Apply for inclusionary housing lotteries and cross your fingers. Find a rent-regulated apartment and hope market rents go up. Get on waiting lists for middle-income Mitchell-Lama housing. Try to move into a housing project or get Section 8 housing vouchers.
The average rent in Manhattan was $3,475 according to while the rents averaged $2,900 per month in the rest of the city. It costs an average of $1,376 per square foot to buy a home in Manhattan and $673 per square foot for the rest of the city.