New York Request to Disaffiliate/Delete an TIN is a process used by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to remove the Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the agency’s database for a business or individual. There are two types of New York requests to disaffiliate/delete an TIN: 1. Business Request to Disaffiliate/Delete an TIN: This request is used when a business is no longer operating in New York State. The business will need to submit a Business Request to Disaffiliate/Delete an TIN form to the Department of Taxation and Finance. The form requires the business to provide information such as the business name, type of business, last year of business activity in New York State, and the reason for disaffiliation. 2. Individual Request to Disaffiliate/Delete an TIN: This request is used when an individual is no longer required to file taxes in New York State. The individual will need to submit an Individual Request to Disaffiliate/Delete an TIN form to the Department of Taxation and Finance. The form requires the individual to provide information such as the name, address, Social Security Number, last year of filing taxes in New York State, and the reason for disaffiliation. Upon receipt of the request, the Department of Taxation and Finance will review the information provided and determine if the request is valid. If the request is approved, the EIN will be removed from the agency’s database.