New York Games of Chance Surety Bond is a type of surety bond that is required by the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASIS) in order for entities to operate regulated games of chance in New York State. This bond is designed to protect the state and its citizens from any damages that may arise from the activities of the games of chance operators. The bond amount is determined by the OASIS and is based on the type of game being operated and the estimated gross receipts. There are three types of New York Games of Chance Surety Bond: 1. Bingo Bond: This bond is required for all entities that operate bingo games in New York State. 2. Bell Jar Bond: This bond is required for all entities that operate bell jar games in New York State. 3. Raffles Bond: This bond is required for all entities that operate raffles in New York State.