New York Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for Homemade Trailer is a unique 17-digit code assigned to each trailer. It is used to identify the trailer for registration and title purposes. New York VIN's for Homemade Trailers consist of two different types: issued VIN's and assigned VIN's. Issued VIN's are pre-assigned VIN's that are assigned to the trailer at the time of its initial registration. It is composed of three letters, six numbers, and one letter. The letters and numbers identify the trailer's manufacturer, the model, the year it was built, and the sequence of production. Assigned VIN's are VIN's that are assigned to the trailer during the registration process. It is composed of the owner's initials, the last two digits of the year the trailer was built, and the sequence of production. It is important to note that assigned VIN's are only valid in New York and cannot be used in other states. Both issued VIN's and assigned VIN's are required to be permanently affixed to the trailer in an easily visible location. This ensures that the VIN is available for law enforcement to view during an inspection.