New York Name Change Instructions are the legal documents and procedures needed to legally change one's name in the state of New York. There are two types of New York Name Change Instructions: for adults and for minors. For adults, the process of legally changing one's name in New York requires a court filing and hearing. The adult must first publish a notice of intent to change one's name in two newspapers in the county of residence, and then file an application with the court. The application must include the current name and the desired name, the reason for the name change, a valid photo ID, and a signed affidavit. The court may require additional documents such as proof of identity, evidence of residency, and a criminal background check. Once the court approves the name change, the adult will receive a court order that must be published in a newspaper. For minors, the process of legally changing one's name in New York requires the consent of both parents or guardians. The minor must first submit an application to the court, which must include the current name and the desired name, the reason for the name change, and the signed consent of both parents or guardians. Additional documents such as proof of identity, evidence of residency, and a criminal background check may also be required. Once the court approves the name change, the minor will receive a court order that must be published in a newspaper. Overall, the process of legally changing one's name in New York requires a court filing and hearing, the publication of a notice of intent to change one's name, and the consent of both parents or guardians (if the individual is a minor).