New York Showing of Interest (NY SOI) is a program designed to help connect students in New York State with college and career opportunities. The program works to provide students with access to college and career resources, career exploration, and college and job search assistance. NY SOI also serves as a platform for employers to connect with interested, qualified students. NY SOI is divided into three distinct areas: College and Career Exploration, College and Career Preparation, and College and Career Placement. College and Career Exploration allows students to explore their educational options and learn more about college and career paths. College and Career Preparation provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to apply for college and pursue career opportunities. Finally, College and Career Placement allows students to apply for college and job opportunities in their area. NY SOI offers students a variety of services to help them explore their college and career options, including virtual college fairs, workshops, and job search resources. Additionally, NY SOI provides employers with access to a network of qualified students who could be a potential fit for their organization.