New York Joint Electronic Discovery Submission and [Proposed] Order (Judge Parker) is a set of rules and regulations for the discovery and exchange of electronic documents and records during litigation in the state of New York. It is named after Judge Thomas Parker, who first proposed the rules. The Order sets forth the various procedures for the efficient exchange of electronic documents and records, including the identification and preservation of electronically stored information (ESI), the format in which ESI is to be produced, and the procedures for objecting to ESI production requests. The Order also outlines the requirements for the submission of ESI to the court. The types of New York Joint Electronic Discovery Submission and [Proposed] Order (Judge Parker) are as follows: 1. Initial Disclosure Requirements 2. Format of Production 3. Preservation of ESI 4. ESI Production Protocols 5. Objections to ESI Production Requests 6. ESI Submissions to the Court 7. Confidentiality Requirements and Protective Orders 8. Sanctions for Non-Compliance 9. Good Faith Cooperation in Discovery 10. Responsibilities of Counsel.