A subpoena must state the court's name and the title of the proceeding, include the seal of the court, and command the witness to attend and testify at the time ... 4). Fill out the Affidavit of Service on back of the original. 5). Retain the Affidavit of Service for further procedures if the person fails to comply with ...After contacting the other party to gain information, the usual practice is to file the motion as soon as practicable. quashing a subpoena duces tecum upon a pre-trial examination on the ground that it is unreasonable and oppressive. By affidavit, defendant's attorney ... The grand jury is seeking to determine whether there were unlawful agreements among manufacturers, jobbers, retailers and unions, including Local 627, in the ... Apr 1, 2015 — A command to produce documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things or to permit the inspection of premises may be included in ... Crim. P. 17(c) requires a court, on motion, to block the enforcement of an unreasonable or oppressive subpoena by modifying or quashing the subpoena. These grounds include, but are not limited to, the: (1) privilege against self incrimination, (2) free exercise of religion, (3) freedom of association, (4) ... Feb 10, 2022 — If an objection or motion to quash is made, the party issuing the subpoena must get a court order to compel the person's compliance. A subpoena recipient must preserve responsive documents and information regardless of whether it believes that the subpoena is objectionable. If the recipient ...