The New York Addendum for the RJ (UCS-840M) is a set of additional requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for certain real estate-related transactions in the state of New York. These requirements are an addition to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Section 8-401, which governs the transfer of real estate. The New York Addendum must be included in the UCC-1 financing statement or financing change statement form and must be filed with the New York Secretary of State. The two main types of New York Addendum are the Addendum for Mortgages (UCS-840M) and the Addendum for Leases (UCS-840L). The Addendum for Mortgages (UCS-840M) requires the lender's mailing address to be provided in the financing statement or financing change statement form, and includes provisions regarding the lender's right to an acceleration of payments in the event of a default by the borrower. The Addendum for Leases (UCS-840L) requires the lessor's mailing address to be provided in the financing statement or financing change statement form, and includes provisions regarding the lessor's right to terminate the lease in the event of a default by the lessee. Both types of New York Addendum for the RJ (UCS-840M) must be included in the UCC-1 financing statement or financing change statement form in order to be valid. Failure to include the Addendum in the form may result in the transaction being denied or delayed.