New York SEC-2012-102 Courthouse Security & Limitations on the Possession & Use of Personal Electronic Devices, 3-8-2012.pdf is a document issued by the New York State Unified Court System outlining the security requirements and restrictions for possession and use of personal electronic devices in New York courthouses. This document outlines three types of security measures: (1) prohibited devices; (2) allowed devices; and (3) restricted devices. Prohibited devices are those that are not permitted in courthouses at any time, including firearms, ammunition, explosives, radar detectors, and laser pointers. Allowed devices are those that may be brought into a courthouse, but must be turned off and stored in a designated area such as a locker or purse. These include cell phones, computers, cameras, and other electronic devices. Restricted devices are those that may be used within the courthouse, but are prohibited from use in certain areas. These include cell phones and other electronic devices such as laptops and cameras. The use of these devices must be approved by the court and may be subject to specific restrictions, such as who may use them and where they can be used. In addition to outlining these security requirements, this document also outlines the implementation of a metal detector system and a requirement for all visitors to present valid identification upon entering the courthouse.