The New York CJA-1993-35 Criminal Justice Act Plan (superseded by Order filed April 16, 1998), Aug 16, 1993.pdf is an extensive document that outlines the framework for providing legal representation for defendants in criminal proceedings in New York State. The plan was established in 1993 and superseded an order issued in April 1998. It outlines the qualifications and requirements for attorneys to serve as appointed counsel for indigent defendants, the types of services that may be provided, and the compensation that can be provided to those attorneys. It also outlines the procedures for appointment of counsel and the rights of defendants who are represented by counsel. The plan is divided into four parts: Part I outlines the standards for appointment of counsel; Part II outlines the duties of the appointed attorney; Part III outlines the compensation and payment for services; and Part IV outlines the procedures and enforcement of the plan. There are two types of New York CJA-1993-35 Criminal Justice Act Plan (superseded by Order filed April 16, 1998), Aug 16, 1993.pdf documents: the original plan and the superseding order issued in April 1998.