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Loans from banks or other institutional lenders are always made using a number of documents, two of which are a promissory and security agreement. In general, the promissory note is your written promise to repay the loan and a security agreement is used when collateral is given for the loan.
A security agreement refers to a document that provides a lender a security interest in a specified asset or property that is pledged as collateral.In the event that the borrower defaults, the pledged collateral can be seized by the lender and sold.
The most common documents are related to mortgages, deeds, easements, foreclosures, estoppels, leases, licenses, and fees, among other kinds of documents. The most important real estate documents list ownership, encumbrances, and lien priority. These are used to maintain proper real estate transactions.
What is a Compliance Agreement? A Compliance Agreement is a document in a closing loan document package in which a borrower agrees to comply with requests from the lender or closing agent to correct typographical or clerical errors and inadvertent mistakes in the loan documentation.
Correction Agreement Limited Power of Attorney This document authorizes the lender to make corrections to clerical errors.The type of clerical errors which are typically corrected would include mispelled names, typos, and other clerical mistakes which don't effect the conditions of the loan in any way.
Promissory Note This document is legal evidence of your mortgage and pledge to repay the loan, and a copy is kept as a public record, often with your county clerk office. The promissory note details the loan amount, interest rate, payment schedule, and length of term.
Correction Agreement Limited Power of Attorney This document authorizes the lender to make corrections to clerical errors.The type of clerical errors which are typically corrected would include mispelled names, typos, and other clerical mistakes which don't effect the conditions of the loan in any way.
3-Deed of Trust or Mortgage This document is also called a security instrument. It gives the lender an interest in your property; it will be recorded in the public (or real estate) records.
An initial statement of personal and financial information required to approve a loan provided by the borrower and necessary to initiate the approval process for a loan. This document is required by lenders prior to loan approval, borrowers must sign original copy at time of closing.