Title: Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement: Prudential Securities Secured Financing Corporation and ABCs Mortgage Loan Trust Introduction: In the state of Ohio, the Subsequent Contribution Agreement serves as a legally binding document between Prudential Securities Secured Financing Corporation (PS SFC) and ABCs Mortgage Loan Trust (ABCs). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which subsequent contributions can be made by both parties. Key Terms and Provisions: The Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement between PS SFC and ABCs Mortgage Loan Trust includes the following essential terms and provisions: 1. Objective and Purpose: The agreement clarifies the objective of subsequent contributions, which typically involve expanding financial support and ensuring liquidity for ongoing mortgage loan transactions. 2. Parties Involved: Both Prudential Securities Secured Financing Corporation and ABCs Mortgage Loan Trust are named as the participating entities of this agreement. 3. Contribution Authorization: The agreement outlines the conditions and requirements for subsequent contributions. This may include specific amounts, timeframes, and conditions under which additional funding can be provided. 4. Repayment Provisions: The agreement defines the repayment terms and schedules for subsequent contributions, including interest rates, payment dates, and any penalties or late fees incurred in case of default. 5. Termination Clause: This section covers the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated by either party, such as breach of contract, bankruptcy, or other specified events. 6. Dispute Resolution: The Subsequent Contribution Agreement includes provisions for dispute resolution, detailing the process for resolving conflicts or disagreements that may arise during the implementation of the agreement. Types of Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreements 1. Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement — Fixed Amount: This agreement type refers to a specific and predetermined amount agreed upon by PS SFC and ABCs for subsequent contributions to the mortgage loan trust. It includes all the key provisions mentioned above. 2. Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement — Variable Amount: Unlike the fixed amount agreement, this type allows for varying subsequent contributions, usually based on specific loan performance criteria or other predetermined factors agreed upon by both parties. 3. Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement — Term Extension: This agreement type pertains to cases where subsequent contributions are made primarily to extend the duration or modify the existing terms of the original loan agreement between PS SFC and ABCs. Conclusion: The Ohio Subsequent Contribution Agreement between Prudential Securities Secured Financing Corporation and ABCs Mortgage Loan Trust serves as a vital tool in ensuring ongoing financial support and liquidity for mortgage loan transactions. By outlining terms, conditions, repayment provisions, and dispute resolution methods, this agreement facilitates a smooth working relationship between the participating entities while protecting the interests of all parties involved.