The Oklahoma Oath On Void Dire is an oath taken by jurors in the state of Oklahoma before they are allowed to serve on a jury. The oath is a pledge that jurors make to the court and to the parties involved in a trial that they will truthfully answer all questions asked during the void dire process, which is the process of jury selection. The Oath is administered by the court and reads as follows: “I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will honestly and faithfully answer all questions asked of me concerning my qualifications as a juror, free from bias or prejudice in favor of either party in this cause. So help me God.” There are two types of Oklahoma Oath On Void Dire: the civil oath and the criminal oath. The civil oath is taken by jurors in civil trials, while the criminal oath is taken by jurors in criminal trials. The content of the oaths are the same in both cases, but the wording may be slightly different.