The Oklahoma Oath to the Jury is a set of promises jurors make to uphold the law and remain impartial throughout their service on the jury. There are several versions of the Oklahoma Oath to the Jury, including the General Oath, the Grand Jury Oath, and the Petite Jury Oath. The General Oath is the most common type of Oklahoma Oath to the Jury and is taken by all jurors. It states that the jurors will "well and truly try the issues between the parties, and a true verdict give according to the evidence, so help [them] God." The Grand Jury Oath is taken by grand jurors and is slightly different from the General Oath. Grand jurors vow to "faithfully and impartially inquire into all matters brought before [them], and present true bills of indictment against all persons who, on due examination, [they] shall find to have committed any offense cognizable by the court, so help [them] God." The Petite Jury Oath is taken by petite jurors and is also slightly different from the General Oath. Petite's jurors swear to "faithfully try the issues between the parties and a true verdict give according to the evidence, so help [them] God." All versions of the Oklahoma Oath to the Jury require jurors to uphold the law and remain impartial throughout their service.