Oklahoma Participating in Riot- Punishment involves punitive measures taken by the state of Oklahoma against those who take part in or organize unlawful assemblies or riots. The measures can include fines, jail time, and/or probation. Types of punishments can include: -Criminal Penalties: Depending on the severity of the offense, those found guilty of participating in a riot or unlawful assembly may face legal ramifications such as fines, jail time, and/or probation. —Civil Actions: In addition to criminal penalties, those found guilty of participating in a riot or unlawful assembly may face civil actions such as being held liable for damages caused by the riot or unlawful assembly. —Civil Injunctions: Civil injunctions may be issued by a court to prohibit individuals from participating in future unlawful assemblies or riots. —Community Service: Those found guilty of participating in a riot or unlawful assembly may be required to perform community service in order to make amends for their actions. —Restitution: In some cases, those found guilty of participating in a riot or unlawful assembly may be required to pay restitution to those who were affected by their actions.