In conclusion, the US Legal Forms library offers a comprehensive and user-friendly experience for acquiring legal documents like the Oklahoma Affidavit of Due Diligence for Name Change of Minor. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth process for this important legal matter.
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Show the required documents. You will need proof of your identity. Fill out and print an Application for a Social Security Card; and. Mail your application and documents to your local Social Security office.
You must be a resident of Oklahoma. File a petition with the court that includes the necessary documents. Request a court hearing with a judge. Notify a newspaper to publish the notice of your name change and submit this to the court. Change your name on all official records.
You will need to file a name change petition in state court in the county you live in. Visit the county courthouse office during regular weekday business hours to get your form.
As of 2019, the court filing fee is $144.14, plus $30 for a separate publication notice fee, for a total of $174.14. After filing the necessary paperwork with the Court Clerk, the process usually takes about 2-3 weeks before the name change is final.
Use your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order to update your official documents and identification. Contact your local Social Security office first, as most states will verify a name change through their database. Then change the name on your Oklahoma driver license within ten days.
Marriage document; Divorce decree; Certificate of Naturalization showing the new name; or. Court order approving the name change.
Visit your local County Court Clerk to file the completed forms and a certified copy of the minor's birth certificate. The clerk will ask for a filing/publication fee of $165.70 and, once they accept the paperwork, set a hearing date.
Visit your local County Court Clerk to file the completed forms and a certified copy of the minor's birth certificate. The clerk will ask for a filing/publication fee of $165.70 and, once they accept the paperwork, set a hearing date.
Marriage document; Divorce decree; Certificate of naturalization showing a new name; or. Court order for a name change.